Frankly Shamanic
Introduction to Shamanism
What is a Shaman
Shamanism, at about 40,000 years old is the world’s oldest spiritual practice, and the beginnings of all human culture, music, art and spirituality. The shaman has many roles in traditional societies, the primary function of a shaman was a healer, but he was also a priest, an actor/story teller, a psychic, a ritual leader or psychopomp, an exorcist, a prophet, and a medium between mankind and the gods, all rolled into one.
However what distinguishes a shaman from other traditional healers, herbalists, magicians etc, is that the shaman performs his work by using his ability to alter his state of consciousness at will. This ability means that the shaman acts as an intermediary between the human world and the spirit world; bringing healing and knowledge to the community.
We define Shamanism as, "The ability to act as an intermediary between the human world and the spirit world; by connecting with ancestors, deities, spirit guides and power animals, for the purpose of healing, self-empowerment, guidance and spiritual development”.
At Frankly Shamanic we do not believe in belief or judgement. We only acknowledge personal experiences as meaningful. We consider that spirituality is not about tradition, beliefs or labels. For us it is about finding our true nature and developing a harmony between our intellect, emotions, body, soul and the wider universe, resulting in inner strength, tranquillity and a feeling of belonging and oneness with the divine
For this purpose we have developed our Five Stage Plan to read more click here
Our emphasis is on Northern European Shamanism rather than Native American spirituality.
Therefore, Our Spiritual Philosophy is based on the concept that the spirit world will always be there to help us when they perceive that we are striving to make life better for ourselves and others. Only with hard work, wisdom, and striving to achieve our full potential and personal enlightenment will the gods' blessings come.
We define enlightenment as "A shift in consciousness, where truth is discovered through personal experience, which is beyond all concepts and beliefs, resulting in the recognition of fundamental oneness with all of existence and that your true nature is whole, unbounded and everlasting."
This course is an introductory level into the world of the shaman. It is for people who would like to gain insights and experiences before committing to our Shamanic Practitioner level, more info here.
This level is concerned with giving students experiences of connecting not only to spirit guides such as our ancestors, power animals, deities and angels, but also to the spirits that live within all living and non-living things. The purpose is healing, self-empowerment, spiritual development and guidance.
The emphasis of our course is on personal experience and highlights that the true nature of spirituality is a unique and individual experience between the person and the universe. Therefore, the workshops are non-competitive and non-judgemental as no two persons' experience can be compared. Thus this certificate is suitable for both complete beginners and experienced practitioners.
How is this Accomplished
We at Frankly Shamanic have found that using a combination of ancient shamanic drumming techniques and 200 year old Mesmer-meditation is one of the most powerful ways to find healing and spiritual growth and fulfilment. These techniques relax the body and quiet the mind, enabling your spiritual awareness to rise to the surface. This allows for communication with the Spirit Realms to take place.
Mesmer meditation was invented by Franz Anton Mesmer who was born in 1734 in Switzerland. He first trained as a priest then later studied law. At age 32 he obtained his degree in medicine. Mesmer combined earlier healing theories with the latest scientific methods of the day, restoring balance, creating harmony and removing blocks, thus replenishing health. It is more than healing. It concerns re-awakening to the awareness that every living thing has consciousness, a connection to everything else in the universe.
Shamanic Drumming
Drum therapy is an ancient healing art that has been utilised for thousands of years. All across the globe shamans have used therapeutic drumming techniques to heal their people and to gain access to other spiritual realms.
One of the reasons shamanic drumming is such as effective means to aid meditation and spiritual growth is due to the fact that drumming accesses our entire brain simultaneously. This effect actually stimulates brain cells to form new connections. The more connected our brain is, the easier and more powerful our experiences will be.
This means that the more logical left side of the brain and the more intuitive right side are able to synchronise together harmoniously, allowing our normally hidden unconscious inner wisdom and intuition to flow easily to the forefront of our conscious mind, revealing to us previously unknown insights and understanding.
The result of combining both shamanic drumming and Mesmer-meditation means that no previous experience, knowledge, or ability is needed for this course. Even people who have had difficulty meditating with other meditation techniques often find it easy with this method.
Part 1
1. Shamanic Soul-Empowerment
2. Introduction to the Runes
Date: (Online) Saturday 22nd February 2025
Time: 10 am - 5 pm
Venue: Online via Zoom
Investment: Normal price $150 (after special 15% discount $127.50)
Phone: David at 0478 221 269